Thursday, January 31, 2013

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31, Thoughts concerning secession in Jackson

No improvement in Political matters on the contrary grow worse. Some 6 or 7 states have seceded but little hope is entertained for the safety of the Union. At convention of this State is too slow to take a position. The people of Tennessee are conservative, love the Union, and will bear much long before going to severe measures.

Robert H. Cartmell Diary, January 31, 1861.



ca. 31-February 1, 1863, Gossip while planning an opera for the benefit of a hospital for "Morgan's men" in McMinnville; one view from the upper rungs of the Tennessee-Confederate domestic front, an excerpt from the War Journal of Lucy Virginia French

Mollie has got neck deep into a concert and tableaux business for the benefit of the Hospital here. Mrs. Nicholson has been much engaged in the hospital at Bowling Green a long time and in Nashville made it her special business to carry aid and comfort to all sick or imprisoned Confederates. The Concert, etc. is to come off tomorrow evening -- "Providence permitting and the creek don't rise" which latter however, form the continuous rain of this morning, the said stream seems very greatly inclined to do. The Hospital etc. is for the benefit of Morgan men what are "around" just now, though [Brigadier-General] John Hamilton himself is off on an expedition in some of the lower counties. His wife and sister-in-law are still here at Dr. Armstrong's. I called to see the ladies yesterday and found them pretty and pleasant, and exceedingly complimentary. Mrs. Morgan is really quite an elegant lady--very graceful and insinuating ----her manner is very much like that of Narcissa Saunders. Miss Ready talks well bug is not as elegant a woman as her sister. There was quite a "row" among the girls about inviting Mary Armstrong [a Union supporter] to take part in the concert but after a great fracas--it was decided that on Miss Reedy's account----she should be invited. Mrs. Nicholson will have her hands full with some of the "raw material" of her "opera"---it is raw and turbulent besides. I believe Mary was very much wounded by not being invited and will perform tho; not asked until the "eleventh hour" and then only on her cousin's account. She cannot forego an opportunity to "show off" at all hazards and "to take the last extremity." I was quite amused at her mother yesterday,--she followed me to the gate to whisper to me that Gen. Hardee and Gen. Browne would be up on the cars that evening. Gen. H. to see Alive [sic] --which was a secret [sic] -- and they did say that Gen. Browne was very much take with Mary and was coming expressly, etc. etc. etc. [sic] "I tell you now it tickled ME. [sic] Gen Brown "taken" with Marry Armstrong! He had seen her one day last week at Tulahoma [sic] -- when Miss Alice and Mary and Anne McMurry says "took Gen. Hardee home."---But I declare it's too bad to be laughing at them thus when I was so cordially [greeted] by all, and treated so "confectionarily" [sic] all, Mrs. John Hamilton especially!-----The "situations" seems to be at a stand still. I went to visit Grandma Lyon yesterday -- also Mrs. Harrison and Mrs. McMurry--(calling on Mrs. Nicholson but found her from home) and in all my rounds I heard no news of importance.

War Journal of Lucy Virginia French, February 1, 1863.



31, On the Death of Zollicoffer.

First in the fight, and first in the arms

Of the white winged angels of glory,
With the heart of the South at the feet of God,
And his wounds to tell the story!

The blood which flowed from this hero heart,
On the spot where he nobly perished,
Was drank by the earth as a sacrament,
In the holy cause he cherished.

In Heaven, a home with the brave and best,
And for his soul's sustaining,
The Apocalyptic eyes of Christ!
And nothing on earth remaining

But a handful of dust in the land of his choice,
A name in song and story,
And fame to shout, with her trumpet voice,
Died on the field of Glory!

Chattanooga Daily Rebel, January 31, 1863.

James B. Jones, Jr.


Tennessee Historical Commission

2941 Lebanon Road

Nashville, TN  37214

(615)-532-1550  x125

(615)-532-1549  FAX


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

30, Federal Scout near Warrensburg, Greene County[1]

From John K. Miller

He'd Q'rs Brig. Gov's Guards

Camp Near Knoxville. Jan 30th, /65

Brig. Genl. Andrew Johnson

Military Gov. Tenn.

I have the honor to state that I sent a dismounted scout of nineteen men under Command of Lieut. Bible Company "A." 8th Tenn. Cav. in the vicinity of Warrensburg where I learned there were some Reble [sic] scouts annoying the people very much. The scout returned on the 26th. inst [sic] bringing (13) Thirteen prisoners, killing two rebels.-Capt Armstrong formerly a citizen of Knoxville-a bad man. One private by the name of Jenkins of Polk County, Also Captured (14) fourteen good cavalry horses and equipments all their Carbines and Eleven good navy Pistols without the loss of a man on our side.

The Reble [sic] force now in East Tenn. Consists of small detachments and scouts prowling over the country robbing and stealing, murdering good citizens of the Country. Our command is in good health, fine Spirits, faring very well, have good quarters, sheds for the horses, our stock is improving very fast. Governor-we would be very pleased if a pay master could be ordered here to pay this command as the men have four months pay due them to Dec. 31st and they need money very much as a great many have their families near and a destitute condition and if paid now their families and friends could get relief and be benefited by the same.

I am requested by Capt. Hambright of Co. "A" 10th. Tenn. Cav. to send his compliments to you and say there is a vacancy in his Regiment for Maj. He would be pleased if you would take his name in to consideration and if you think him worthy and competent to fill the position of that rank he would be thankful for the favor. Capt Hambright (has behaved) as a soldier and Gentleman since he has been in E. Tenn.

I also inclose an application for permission to raise a Regiment of Lt. G. S. Smoot's of N.C. I can say that I know Mr. Smoots. He has ever been a Union man of Wilkes County N.C. a Gentleman of good sense and popular and energetic, kept the old flag, the stars & stripes up in Wilkesboro the longest of any town in the State. He has brought a great many recruits out and as there are many more in that Country and a great many deserters coming through, He could recruit fast. He has some Sixty now in reserve if he gets the authority to raise a Regiment and I understand there is about Eighty coming from Asheville in a few days. The Regiment would be still the 4th. N.C. Infantry.

I am very Respectfully Your most obedient Servant

John K. Miller, Col. Comd'g Brig Gov's G's

Papers of Andrew Johnson Vol. 7, pp. 446-447.

        30, Testimony relative to the arrest of two Franklin county bushwhackers

Jany 30, 1865

To the Provost Marshal General Tullahoma:

Sir, I sent tonight two prisoners who were captured this morning a little before day break at the house of one Kelly, about 7 miles beyond Winchester. Their names are John Ragan and Samuel Nance. They were according to all the information I can get among the murderers of the colored man Preston Pierce who was killed on the 22nd [of December, 1864]. Two others named Temple and Rogers were engaged with them. They admitted to me to day that they had been present with Temple and Rogers and that the latter killed the man, but that they were not present at that time. The real truth is they were all together according to the best information I can get. These men are also reported to be notorious bushwhackers and murderers before this last murder.

I send Kelly and his wife along, for the reason they were represented to me as voluntarily harboring and concealing these men. Some of their neighbors are ready to vouch for their loyalty, and claim that the bushwhackers forced themselves upon them. I leave that for our determination. The horses, harms, & accouterments of the bushwhackers were captured & brought in and will be turned over to the proper officers.

Byrin Paine Lt. Col. PRO VI, Comdt Post.


Testimony of Matilda Jane Kelly

I reside about six miles below Winchester in Franklin County Tenn. I am married. My husbands [sic] name is Luke Kelly. On or about sundown of the 20 of Jany 1865 two men named Reagan and Sam Nance rode up to the house dismounted and entered the house by the back door said they wanted to see Kelly to induce him to go see Mr. Gillespie to induce him to intercede for them to see if they could get out of bushwhacking. I told them Kelly my husband would not be at home that night. They said they were going to stay at my house. I answered they could not that my husband was not at home. They said they would stay. After Kelly came home they requested him to intercede for them in order that they might return to their home. They then laid down by the fire and remained in that position until the Federal soldiers arrived a little before day. They surrounded the house and told me to make a light. They then come [sic] in the house and asked if any Bushwhackers were in the house. I told them there is and they inquired where. I said the next room. The Lt [sic] asked me if I sick had taken the Oath I stated I hand not. The men who were in the house made some show of resistance but were overpowered by the soldiers. After doing this Federal soldiers asked if I could fix breakfast for them. I said I thought I could if they would help me. They assisted me in fixing the fire and such and that is all the conversation I recall at present as passing between myself and the soldiers mentioned. As soon as they took breakfast they left with their prisoners. They brought my husband and myself along with them. They asked me after I stated that Kelly was not at home for the Bushwhackers being there. That is all I remember of the conversation. Matilda Jane Kelly.

With Fire and Blood, pp., 147-148.

[1] This event is listed in neither the OR nor Dyer's Battle Index for Tennessee.

James B. Jones, Jr.


Tennessee Historical Commission

2941 Lebanon Road

Nashville, TN  37214

(615)-532-1550  x125

(615)-532-1549  FAX


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30, Censorship of the press in Memphis

WEST TENNESSEE, Memphis, Tenn., January 30, 1865.

Capt. F. W. FOX, Assistant Adjutant-Gen., Department of Mississippi:

CAPT.: On the 24th instant my attention was called to certain seditious articles in the Memphis Daily Evening Democrat of the 23d instant, commenting unfavorably upon the orders and policy of Maj.-Gen. Dana, commanding Department of Mississippi, and Maj.-Gen. Canby, commanding Military Division of West Mississippi, and upon the officers and orders of the enrolled militia of the district. Also an article charging corruption on persons in high places. These articles, taken in connection, were evidently meant and intended to bring into disrespect the military authority, and to obstruct, hinder, and defeat military orders by exciting the citizens and soldiers within the command to disobey said orders. The publications above referred to have been cut from the Memphis Daily Evening Democrat of the 23d instant and are attached to this communication I directed the provost-marshal to arrest the editor of said paper and bring him before me. When he appeared I admonished him that publications reflecting unfavorably upon the character of officers in the military service or any discussion of military orders would not be allowed, and that in future he must abstain from such publications. I required him to give me any information that he might possess of corrupt or improper conduct of any officer or person connected with the military service within the District of West Tennessee, alluded to by him in said articles. He declared that he had no such information. I then required him to give me the name of any person who he had reason to believe possesses knowledge of such conduct or practices. He assured me that he had no knowledge of any such person. These questions were written down and read to him and ample time given to reflect upon and answer them. Copies of the questions and answers are hereto attached. When he denied all knowledge and information of the charges made an insinuated by him, I proposed to release him upon the condition that he would retract the statements made and publish the same in his paper of the 25th. He accepted his release from arrest upon the conditions imposed and promised that the proper explanations and retractions should be made in his paper of the 25th. No explanation or retraction was published in his paper of the 25th, but another offensive article, headed "Liberty of the press," appeared, in which he declared himself ready to prove all he had heretofore charged. The article alluded to is attached For this violation of orders and breach of his parole I ordered him under arrest a second time and placed him in confinement in the military prison. To-day he addressed me a petition, a copy of which is attached in which he retracts the offensive statements and pledges himself to abstain from giving offense in like manner again. Mr. J. M. Tomney, of the Treasury Department, pledged himself for his future good conduct and I immediately released him. I submit these facts and trust my conduct will meet the approbation of the major-general commanding.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

JAMES C. VEATCH, Brig.-Gen., Cmdg.


HDQRS. DISTRICT OF WEST TENNESSEE, Memphis, Tenn., January 30, 1865.

Questions propounded to W. H. McClay, editor of the Memphis Evening Democrat, when examined on the 24th January, 1865:

Question. Have you any knowledge of the corrupt or improper conduct of any officer or person in or connected with the military service of the District of West Tennessee?

Answer. I have no such knowledge or information.
Question. Have you any information which leads you to believe that any other person, whose name you can give, does possess the knowledge of such corrupt conduct or practice?

Answer. I have no information of the name of any such 

Question. What high places do you refer to in your article headed "Corruption," published in your paper of the 23d instant?

Answer. I did not mean any particular places. I had heard vague rumors, but I cannot give the name of any person who uttered such rumors, nor can I state what persons or places they referred to.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 48, pt. I, pp. 685-686.

James B. Jones, Jr.


Tennessee Historical Commission

2941 Lebanon Road

Nashville, TN  37214

(615)-532-1550  x125

(615)-532-1549  FAX


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

January 30 - Tennessee Civil War Notes

30, Newspaper report on the condition of the Confederate Army at Tullahoma after the Battle of Stones River




Tullahoma is a melancholy place. It is a little wayside depot, with a few squalid huts, a few framed housed and cottages, and a great many body lice-just now. It was once a famous locality for maple sugar and gin cocktails. Devilish little of both "at last advises." Camps, soldiers, and snow now predominate. The ground is covered with snow. It flies through the crevices of this tent, even as I write. A motley tent this, I tell you -- made out of a Brussels carpet and a coffee sack. Four of us occupy it and pass our time in martial meditations fancy free. Lord, if the General could only hear us! However, we regard this situation as a good one because it isn't likely to bring us into a fight shortly. Fighting, since Murfreesboro, is at a discount....


That Murfreesboro business was bloody, you can yet see the traces of it. An empty sleeve now and again, or two crutches, or a face with a big patch on the side of its head. But the boys are in good spirits, never saw them better. I meet many an old friend, "Well, how goes it old boy?" says he, "Sorry you were not with us down there, but-better luck next time Jolly old fight!" For endurance, personal daring and enthusiastic onset it has not been equaled since the time the war began. Here's a health to its heroes!"


(signed) "BUSTEMENTE"


Chattanooga Daily Rebel January 30, 1863.

Mollie’s Change of Heart

            28, Mollie's Change of Heart

An Important Letter.

The following letter was handed us for publication. It speaks for itself:

Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 28th, 1865.

Dear Brother Tom: I wrote you some six months ago, and feel quite uneasy about you, as not a line has reached me since you left last summer. I now repeat that matters and things about here are getting worse every day.

You will be astonished to hear that your friends of the female denomination are dropping off every day.

Yes, dropping too as willing victims into the arms of the ruthless invader: Just think of it! Mollie—the unconquerable--who used to parade that large Beauregard Breast pin, and who used to sing "Maryland my Maryland" with so much pathos, was married some four months ago to a Federal, with but one bar on his shoulder. Sally who used to sleep with the Bonnie Blue Flag under her pillow, looking daggers and pistols at the invaders, who would not speak to her school mates N. & C., because they received and treated Federal Officers with due politeness; she too has gone, she married a Federal Officer with two bars. She, the Historical one, who carried the glittering Stiletto in her belt, who was going to imitate Charlotte Corday and assassinate somebody for her country's sake, she too has gone the way of all flesh, and married an Officer with that detestable Eagle on his shoulders. And now pull out your handkerchief and prepare for the worst, my poor brother Tom. Your old sweet heart Anna; the one to whom you dedicated your sweetest verses and whose melodious voice so often mingled with yours in the days of yore--who defied generals and the whole 15th army corps, who was sent first to the North, but upon whose rebellious temperament no climaterial [sic] change could have the least influence; she too has hauled down the stars and bars, and is about to surrender at discretion. I should not have believed this, but to convince myself, I passed the house the other night with a gentleman--who protects us during your absence—on purpose to find out the state of her political sentiments, for a musical programme; take it like a man Tom, for I must tell you that I heard very distinctly the words of "Rally round the Flag" and the Union forever, sung in her best style, with a glorious tenor voice mingling with it. Poor brother Tom you know I considered her always the Gibraltar of the South, and now when she surrenders, I think that the Confederacy is gone up.

You had better come home immediately and look after your interests in that quarter, as perhaps, it may not be too late yet to procure a favorable change in your favor. Tell the boys down in Dixie if they do not return soon, they will not find a single girl or widow below Conscript age in these parts; as the watchword seems to be "Suave qui peut" which means marry who you can. My principles are unchanged and I am as true to the South as ever. We have a Captain boarding with us, merely by way of protection, who appears to be rather a clever fellow for a Federal Officer. He takes a sly glance at me, at the table sometimes, but of course I do not return it, you know me too well for that. Let me hear from you soon and believe me ever

Your loving Sister,


P.S. I. Do you think it would be a violation of my Southern principles to take an occasional ride with the Captain? he has such a nice horse and buggy. You know there can be no possible harm in that.

P.S. II. That impertinent fellow actually squeezed my hand as he helped me out of the buggy this evening. We had such a delightful ride. I want you to come home and protect me Tom--as I don't want to live this way much longer.

P.S. III. If ever I should marry a Yankee, (but you know my principles too well for that), I would do it merely as the humble instrument to avenge the wrongs of my poor oppressed country; little peace should he find by day or night; thorns should be planted in his couch, his dreams should be of Holofernes, and my dry goods bills as long as the Infernal Revenue Law.

P.S. IV. Come home poor Tom and take the Amnesty Oath for two months or thereabouts.

I was to tell you a secret; on due consideration, I have come to the determination to make a martyr of myself. Yes brother Tom I am going to marry the Captain on patriotic principles.


[Marshall] Texas Republican, August 25, 1865.[1]


January 29 - Tennessee Civil War Notes

29, "Working Men Read."

A correspondent of the Union and American talks in the following plain and sensible terms to the working classes of the South. Let every mechanic, farmer, and all others interested in the prosperity of the South read and reflect:

An effort is being made in Tennessee to array the working classes against their more wealthy neighbors. The attempt runs o­n this wise: "The rich men of the South own the slaves -- they are the nabobs of the land -- they are interested in slave property -- the poor people are not personally interested [in slave property] -- let rich men do the fighting if collision must come -- if the rich were deprived of their negroes, we would be o­n a level, and there would be more equality in society." Specious, but most fallacious arguments. I undertake to say that the laboring classes of the South are as much or more interested in the question [of slave property] that agitates the country than the rich. It is a fact, first, that most of the slaveholders in Tennessee are among the laboring classes. There are o­nly, comparatively, a few extensive slaveholders in the State. A large proportion of those who own negroes have from o­ne to a half dozen slaves, while a few hold them in large numbers. The small farmers in the country have o­ne or two or three servants each to aid them in cultivating the soil. With these slaves they and their sons toil in the same field, and feel no degradation. The abolition of slavery would seriously affect large numbers of this class. 

Secondly. It is a fact that large slaveholders usually have wealth over and above their slaves. They generally own large tracts of land, stock of various descriptions, bank stock, money, etc., so that that if their slaves were gone they would soon become landholders of the country, and would hold the poorer whites as tenants at will; and being proprietors of the soil they would soon prescribe the terms and conditions o­n which men without means should till the land. 

Thirdly. The emancipation of slaves, and the flooding of the country with free blacks, would reduce the price of labor, and thus materially injure the prospects of white laborers. Who does not know that the price of labor in the South is above the wages at the North? 

Fourthly. The policy of the abolitionist is to drive out slave labor, so that our "sunny South" may be overrun with hordes of free laborers from the North and foreign countries, that they may reap the advantages now enjoyed by industrious working men at the South.

Fifthly. The policy is to make black men equal to white men, in all respects. They require that the free negro shall vote with the white man send his children to the same school; sit in the same pew at church; eat at the same table; sleep in the same bed; move in the same social circle; work in the same shop or field in equal rank, and finally, as advocated by some, intermarry, and thus become o­ne race by amalgamation. Now, I ask the working men of Tennessee if they are ready to indorse all these sentiments? Are they willing that their children shall become the cstlers [sic], shoe blacks, carriage drivers, washer women and become servants of wealthy land lords, the rich merchant the lordly bankers of the country, while they themselves shall be put o­n a level with free blacks?

It is a fact that no man can gainsay, that in the free States, especially in the older and more aristocratic, that as the rich grow richer the poor become poorer, and that property creates castes in society. 

Let the working people of the South look well to their own interests, and not suffer themselves to be deluded by cunning politicians. This is the advice of


Nashville Daily Gazette, January 29, 1861.




29, "God pity the poor in our southern cities." An excerpt from the diary of Mary L. Pearre of Williamson County

* * * *

The Federals were out yesterday foraging. I fear we will be left without the means of subsistence. Most of our neighbors have lost all they can spare. Have taken no corn or hay from us yet.

The weather is cold. God pity the poor of our southern cities. They are cut off from all means of supplying themselves of fuel, depending entirely upon the charity of their enemies. I am thankful that we live in the country as among the hills. I once desired a splendid mansion upon a large farm near a city. This was has banished such fancies.

Dreamed last night of seeing Mr. H., received the last letter from him this tie last year. Oh! that I knew his fate. If living he certainly could have found means of sending at least one letter.
Suspense how terrible all these weary months. Are [sic] most my constant companion and still art [sic] with me.

If it were not for dreams how extremely dull would be these weary winter nights. Seldom any company of gentlemen. I soon grow weary of the incipid chatter of most of our visitors.

Mag, Matt & Dots are more interested in their two babies and domestic affairs that I can be. There fore time grows doubly tedious. Have no domestic cares. Cannot be content to card and spin as many Southern girls do. Halve but little sewing on hand. No new books. Therefore retire to bed early and get up late.

Used to ride as an amusement. Now I am afraid to go too far on account of the Federals. I know I could be more industrious yet have not the heart to labor unless I had more assurance being benefited by industry. Have more bed clothing than I desire the Feds. to take as they have done in many instances. I have frequently planned a course of study and reading as I a m possessed of most of the Poets, a number of histories and biographies, travel, science works etc. But I can't confine my mind to any subject except the war.

Diary of Mary L. Pearre




29 -- February 7, 1864, Disloyal citizens deprived of army rations in Tullahoma

Shelbyville, Tenn., January 29, 1864.

Lieut. Col. H. C. RODGERS, Asst. Adjt. Gen., Twelfth Corps, Tullahoma, Tenn.:

COL.: During Gen. Slocum's stay in this place, I mentioned to him the fact of there being "special permits" given to disloyal citizens of this place to purchase necessary supplies for themselves and families.

I find on inquiry that the following-named citizens have such permits and are daily purchasing supplies, viz: Mr. R. M. Wallace (wife of cashier of Branch Bank of Tennessee, who upon the entrance of the U. S. forces into this place decamped with all the funds of the bank), Miss M. Mathews, Miss Ann Wallace (daughter of Mrs. R. M. Wallace), Miss V. Mathews, Miss Felicia Whitthorne.

All of the above have permits granted by Lieut. Col. Robert Galbraith, late commander of this post. I would respectfully submit that it seems to me there is not benefit to be derived by a citizen of this place from taking the oath of allegiance to the U. S. Government and giving heavy bonds, if they can just as well get all the benefits without it and be at any time ready to show our enemy that they have been consistently his friend.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

S. H. STURDEVANT, Lieut. Col. and Commissary of Subsistence, Twelfth Corps.

[First indorsement.]

HDQRS. DEPARTMENT OF THE CUMBERLAND, Chattanooga, February 3, 1864.


Respectfully referred to Maj. Gen. H. W. Slocum, who will direct the commissary at Shelbyville to stop the rations of these people. [added.]

By command of Maj.-Gen. Thomas:

WM. McMICHAEL, Maj. and Assistant Adjutant-Gen.
[Second indorsement.]


Respectfully referred to Maj.-Gen. Slocum, commanding Twelfth Corps, and attention called to the indorsement of the department commander.

By command of Maj.-Gen. Hooker:
H. W. PERKINS, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. II, pp. 258-259.

Monday, January 28, 2013

January 28 - Tennessee Civil War Notes

 28,  Home for the Homeless

We have received the first annual report of this institution.  The association of ladies organized, in April, 1860. An application to the city council resulted in the purchase and donation of fifteen acres of land, four miles from the city, o­n the Ohio railroad.  The objects of the association are to provide a home of industry, an asylum for the aged and infirm, and a house of correction and reform for the erring.  Owing to a want of buildings, o­nly o­ne of these objects has so far been carried out.  Destitute women and children, such as would have been reduced to begging in the streets, have been lodged, clothed and fed, they partly earning their own living.  The Board of Managers consists of twenty-four ladies, two from each religious denomination in the city.  Since the Home was opened December, 1860, a building containing six rooms and a dining room, with comfortable attic, has been erected.  All the ground that could be used has been put in cultivation.  Seventy-nine inmates have been received during the year, thirty-five women and forty-four children, five of the latter were born in the institution.  A large proportion of them have been discharged honorably; a few have been dismissed for insubordination.  The women are principally occupied in washing, ironing and sewing, and work of this kind is solicited. The institution requires more buildings and wider grounds.  It is intended, if means can be raised, to employ a teacher of the children.  The health of the institution has been good—there has been but two deaths.  Owing to sympathy with objects connected with the war, the receipts have, for the last six months, been small, and donations and subscriptions are respectfully solicited.  The receipts for the year were $4003.73. Current expenses $2783.30, expenses of building $1026; leaving $659.19 in the city treasury and $82.25 cash o­n hand.  The report is a well written and lucid statement.  The objects of the institution are admirable, and if well conducted the Home for the Homeless will be o­ne of the best organizations connected with our city.

 MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL,  January 28, 1862  


28, "Small Pox"

For the information of those whom it might concern, we state that we are informed that Smoky Row is a perfect pest house, and we know that hundreds of soldiers and some hospital people frequent those houses. According to testimony adduced in court, a house of ill-fame on College street contains two small-pox patients, and some other girls, and that soldiers and government employees frequent the house. Having given the facts, free gratis for nothing [sic], we beg to ask, are such things calculated to increase or diminish the spread of small-pox? Imagine an inmate of one of our hospitals spending one night with two small-pox patients, and the next day and night in a hospital!

Nashville Dispatch, January 28, 1864.



28, Affair at Lee's House, on Cornersville Pike

JANUARY 28, 1864.--Affair at Lee's House, on Cornersville Pike, Tenn.
Report of Capt. George W. Overmyer, Eighty-first Ohio Infantry.
SIR: On the 28th January, 1864. I sent out a forage train for corn and pork, in charge of Corporal Casey, acting wagon-master, with instructions to keep the teams and men close together, permit no straggling, and go to Mr. Dabney's farm, about 4 miles from camp and on the left of the Cornersville pike.
About 2 miles from camp the train was fired upon and captured, with the following loss: James Mills, teamster, shot through the thigh and left on the field; 6 mules and harness taken away and wagon burnt; William Kimble, teamster, shot in left shoulder, taken prisoner; 6 mules and harness taken away, wagon filled with rails and fired, but was put out by citizens; Corporal Casey and 1 horse, saddle, and bridle captured; David Reece and William Reece, guards from Company K, Eighty-first Ohio Volunteer Infantry; Nelson Shappell, James D. Smith, John Reichelderfer, and Jeremiah Parker, guards, Company G, Eighty-first Ohio Volunteer Infantry, captured and taken prisoners.
Recapitulation: Captured, 1 teamster (wounded), 6 guards, 1 wagon-master, 12 mules and harness, 1 horse, saddle, and bridle; 1 wagon destroyed; all chains for 2 wagons lost or destroyed; wounded and left, 1 teamster.
The attack was made at a bend In the pike about 200 yards from Mr. Lee's residence by 24 rebels (mounted), armed with 2 pistols and Colt revolving rifle each. They were lying behind a hill in waiting. The attack was made by throwing 6 men in the road in front of the teams and 18 men coming over the ridge. All commenced firing about the same time at short pistol-range. They had our men surrounded and captured almost all the Infantry. They took the men out east about 20 miles, and that evening gave them paroles, signed by Capt. Harris, Fourth Tennessee Cavalry, by order of Gen. Forrest. 

Men got back to camp on the morning of the 29th, having had all their arms and accouterments taken from them (Corporal Casey was robbed of his watch), but say they were kindly treated.

The men have been assigned to duty, but an application for arms has been returned. None to furnish at present.
Respectfully submitted.

G. W. OVERMYER, Capt., Cmdg. at Sam. Mills.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. I, p. 153


Sunday, January 27, 2013

January 26 - Tennessee Civil War Notes

26, General Orders, No. 10 issued, Memphis, relative to spies, punishment, contraband

GENERAL ORDERS, No. 10., HDQRS. DEPT. OF THE TENNESSEE, Memphis, Tenn., January 26, 1863.

I. It being a violation of the provisions of the Dix-Hill cartel to parole prisoners at any other points than those designated in said cartel except by agreement between the generals commanding the opposing forces no paroles hereafter given to Federal soldiers in violation of such provisions of said cartel will be respected.

II. Officers or soldiers who by straggling from their commands are captured and paroled will at once be arrested and brought to trial before a court-martial.

III. Guerrillas or Southern soldiers caught in the uniforms of Federal soldiers will not be treated as organized bodies of the enemy but will be closely confined and held for the action of the War Department. Those caught within the lines of the Federal Army in such uniforms or in citizen's dress will be treated as spies.

IV. Officers, soldiers and citizens are prohibited from purchasing horses, mules or military clothing from anyone connected with the Army without special authority. In order that improper and dishonest appropriation of captured property may be prevented commanding officers will exercise vigilance in enforcing this order and report every violation of it, to the end that offenders may be summarily punished.

V. Steam-boats are prohibited from carrying stock of any description North without permits granted by division or army corps commanders or the provost-marshal-general, and violations of this restriction will be punished at the discretion of a military commission.

By order of Maj. Gen. U. S. Grant:

OR, Ser. II, Vol. 5, p. 216.



26, Special Orders, No. 26, relative to assessment of Confederate sympathizers to support Union refugees in Giles County

SPECIAL ORDERS, No. 26. HDQRS. LEFT WING, 16TH ARMY CORPS, Pulaski, Tenn., January 26, 1864.

* * * * 

IV. In compliance with General Orders, No. 4, current series, 1863, headquarters Military Division of the Mississippi, the following-named citizens of Giles County, Tenn., will be assessed, and the amounts set opposite their names collected from them, respectively, for the support of Union refugees coming within the lines of this command:
Thomas Martin ............................................... $250
Dr. Battle ......................................................... 100
Charles Abernathy ............................................ 250
Robert Dickson ................................................. 250
J. H. Newbell..................................................... 100
J. M. Morris ...................................................... 100
David Reynolds ................................................. 250
B. Abernathy .................................................... 200
Thomas D. Bailey ............................................. 200
Col. J. B. Weaver, Second Regt. Iowa Infantry Volunteers, commanding post at Pulaski, Tenn., is hereby charged with the execution of this order.

By order of Brig. Gen. G. M. Dodge:


OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. II, pp. 228-229.



26, "Big Raid by the Mackerel Brigade." A juvenile gang in Memphis

Some of the members of this celebrated gang of pilferers and thieves made a raid on Saturday and Sunday nights, on the store of S. P. C. Clark & Co., and D. O. Gibson, north side of the square. They broke the windows and took out good of considerable value. They broke the windows and took out goods. They levied quite a contribution on Clark's splendid stock of hats, abstracting goods to the value of one hundred dollars, besides putting him to considerable expense repairing the damage done to the windows. It is time that band of petty thieves was broken up.

Memphis Bulletin, January 26, 1864.

Friday, January 25, 2013

January 25 - Tennessee Civil War Notes

   25, "From Fort Henry."

Fort Henry, Jan. 25, 1862

Dear Chronicle: -- Since my last letter we have arrived here, and are now camping in our tents again, and as the weather has been very cold for some time, we miss our comfortable cabins very much. Our company (A) of Col. Bailey's Regiment, and o­ne from Col. Sugg's (formerly Stacker's) Regiment are now encamped here together. -- PADDIES TICKTACKS [sic]: Since our arrival we have been furnished with side arms -- spades and shovels  and are now drilling in that manual. Our boys were greatly disappointed at not meeting the enemy here, and now feel that they have been badly sold, or taken in -- to the ditches  -- instead of among the enmy [sic]. 

The day after our arrival, the gunboat "Conestoga" chased the steamer Dunbar 14 miles up the river until within sight of the Fort, and then fired her seventh shot and ran up behind the Island, two miles below the Fort. She afterwards fired three shots at the Fort and meeting no response, she retired with a white flag flying to the breeze. No damage was done by her shots as they all fell short. However, she again made her appearance with the stars and stripes flying and opened fire o­n the Fort. As soon as the first shot was fired by her the Confederate flag was raised in the Fort, and we all expected to have a brush with the "Feds," but as soon as we fired o­ne shot, she responded with a shell (which burst some yards below the Fort,) and retired behind the Island. Nobody hurt.

We are now under command of Lieut.-Col. Sugg -- Col. Stacker having resigned the command of the 50th Regiment.

The enemy are reported to be 15,000 strong at Highland (KY), 35 miles below here. They were 16 miles from here a few days ago, but are now falling back. Little prospect of a squirmish [sic]. 

Clarksville Chronicle, January 31, 1862.
Note: A "squirmish"?




 25, A Texas Ranger's letter home from Middle Tennessee

Mr. Polk Childress, who in Capt. Houston's Company, Terry's Texas Rangers, wrote to his mother, Jan. 25th, from near Shelbyville, from which we take the following:

"I went all through the Murfreesboro fight and never received a scratch. O­ne Regiment lost sixty four killed and wounded; our company three; Ellis and Burns supposed to be badly wounded, and Blair shot through the arm.  Our company has o­nly fifty men, officers and all; it is next to the smallest company in the Regiment.

I have been in the war sixteen months, and can stay that much longer if necessary, but I would like to have peace and go home; but I have never regretted coming to Tennessee, where I can have the fun of shooting at Yankees, occasionally. It would have killed me to have been compelled to lay in o­ne of the forts o­n the frontier, doing nothing; here I have something to keep me alive and stirring; and I consider the good health I have had owing to the constant exercise.  I have plenty of money, a good horse, six-shooter and sharp-shooter."

San Antonio Semi-Weekly News, March 16, 1863.[1]



[1] As cited in:




25, Public health initiative taken in Nashville by U. S. Army

General Orders, No. 5

Headquarters U.S. Forces

Nashville, Tenn., Jan 25, 1864

I.*** The municipal regulations failing to keep the city effectually policed, it is hereby ordered, for the preservation of the health and lives of the citizens, and of the troops on duty at this place, that the occupant of every house daily sweep or scrape clean the pavement or sidewalk in front of his building. This will be done daily before 9 o'clock A.M. On stated days, hereafter to be announced, each occupant will clean to the middle of the street in front of his premises, collecting the sweepings into piles, to be carried away by Government wagons.

For any neglect of this regulation, a fined double that enforced by the municipal ordinance will be imposed by the Provost Marshal; and if not paid at his office within one week from notice, will be levied by sale at public auction of goods sufficient to realize the sum.
A commissioned officer is detailed to superintend the policing of the city, whose special duty it is to report any neglect or violation of this order.

By command of Brig. Gen. R. S. Granger

Nashville Dispatch, January 28, 1864



    25, "Guerrillas o­n the Cumberland."

We learn that the up-river fleet was fired into at Gainsborough o­n Monday, and compelled to return to Carthage, the Newsboy coming down to Nashville for reinforcements. The river will probably be opened today. Rumor said o­ne boat had been sunk, but we believe no damage of consequence had been done.

Nashville Dispatch, January 28, 1864.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

January 24 - Tennessee Civil War Notes

24, "Letter from Dover. The Flag Presentation."

Mr. Chronicle: -- 

Thinking that probably your readers have never heard the particulars of the entertainment at Fort Donelson, on the 8th inst., I have taken upon myself the liberty of picking up the "scraps" and telling them.

At about 11 o'clock A.M., your homely servant reached the camp, where a neat little platform had been constructed by the "gallants" of the 30th, which was covered, and surmounted by "fair women and brave men."

Yours tremendously [sic] secured a position to see and hear, but what was most attractive to sight, Ws the noble, commanding form of Col. Head, who, I will venture, is as brave an officer as ever bore a commission. The members of the 30th were drawn up in the form of a square around the platform, and presented quite a fine appearance. When the banner which was to be presented to them was unfurled to the breeze the soldiers fixed their eyes upon it, and prepared to look inspiring -- the ladies do , bewitching; and all was beginning to go "merry as a marriage bell," when -- alas! for moral grandeur -- the 
"sweet baptismal fount from Heaven," which had commenced "sprinkling" the BRIGHT BANNER, became rather ungentle, in fact boisterous; a general engagement ensued, in which our forces were used rather roughly. Col. Head endeavored to rally his troops, but was compelled to "sound a retreat," which was excused in as "masterly" a manner as the "Grand Army" from Manassas. We took up the "line of march" for Gen Anderson's "headquarters."

In plain words, Col. Head informed us that, owing to the inclemency of the weather, the presentation would take place on the steamer Gen. Anderson; whither we all repaired, with all possible expedition.

We were then entertained by an eloquent, graceful, and truthful address by Miss Winchester, who presented the beautiful colors, which were received by Lieut. Nichols with suitable remarks. We were afterwards addressed by Messrs. Winchester, Bidwell, Lockhart, Turner, and "last, but not least," Maj. Chenoweth, a Kentuckian, whose remarks touched a chord in every heart, which vibrated in unison with his own. I sympathize with you noble soldier, in your exile; for I, too am a Kentuckian, and an exile from my home. How long will my exile last? Oh! how long? With such strong arms and brave hearts as yours, Maj. Chenoweth, to defend our homes, I feel that it will not be long -- And although the best blood of that heart be drained, yet the memory of such an one can never die. Even the heart of the stranger (in name -- not in sympathy) will the name ever remain bright.

One of our "dandies in militaire" [sic] being called upon to speak, in his eagerness to escape, precipitated himself into an open state-room. He was surveying his surroundings with evident complacency, when he discovered to his discomfiture, that he had intruded upon a lady, reclining upon her couch in undress. [sic

I have intruded too long, but may I come again? I will be more merciful next time.
Au revoir,


Clarksville Chronicle, January 24, 1862

January 24, 1863, "Our informant states that they 'stuck them as if they had been hogs.'"


It is reported that the negroes employed as cooks, etc., o­n the steamboats recently captured near the shoals by the guerrillas, were butchered in the most brutal manner by their captors, who dragged them aside and cut their throats. Our informant states that they "stuck them as if they had been hogs." And yet these rebels talk of the horrors of negro insurrections, while they perpetrate atrocities which wild Congoes or Fejee cannibals never exceeded. Why if anything could inflame the slaves to insurrection, it would be the cowardly and barbarous murder of these fellows o­n the Murfreesboro road, and at Harpeth Shoals.
Nashville Daily Union, January 24, 1863.

24, U. S. Army fights small-pox

General Orders, No. 4

Headquarters U. S. Forces

Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 24, 1864

I. *** All cases of small-pox, citizens or soldiers, will be promptly reported to Acting Assistant Surgeon A. D. White, at his office, in the Bostick house, a large brick building on the Charlotte Pike, by whom they will be conveyed to the small-pox camps and treated.

The unchecked spread of this disease necessitates this regulation, which will be strictly enforced.

Commanding Officers and Surgeons of Regiments will be held responsible for its execution in their regiments.

By command of Brig. Gen. R. S. Granger

Nashville Dispatch, January 29, 1864.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

January 23 - Tennessee Civil War Notes

23, News of Zollicoffer's defeat and death reaches Cleveland

....Heard this evening that Gen [sic] Zollicoffer's forces were defeated and he killed [sic] in Ky. The fight took place last Sunday, 19th. Mr. Bradsahw came down after dark to hear the news. The battle of Fishing Creek or Mill Spring was a complete rout of the Southern Army....

Diary of Myra Adelaide Inman, p. 128.



January 23, 1863 - Daniel Ellis' account of the murder of James Taylor, Samuel Tatum, Alfred Kite, Alexander Dugger, and David Shuffield, East Tennessee Unionists seeking to escape Confederate East Tennessee. 

....some of the men whom I had agreed to conduct through to Kentucky had the misfortune of being captured and cruelly murdered by the rebels. The infamous men who perpetrated these murders belonged to Folk's regiment, accompanied by some of the home guards of Johnson County, who had been ranging all over the country for conscripts, taking these home guards along with them for guides.... January 23, 1863 - Daniel Ellis' account of the sadistic and cold-blooded murder of James Taylor, Samuel Tatum, Alfred Kite, Alexander Dugger, and David Shuffield, East Tennessee Unionists seeking to escape Confederate East Tennessee. 

....some of the men whom I had agreed to conduct through to Kentucky had the misfortune of being captured and cruelly murdered by the rebels. The infamous men who perpetrated these murders belonged to Folk's regiment, accompanied by some of the home guards of Johnson County, who had been ranging all over the country for conscripts, taking these home guards along with them for guides. The names of the poor fellows who were killed at the time were James Taylor, Samuel Tatum, Alfred Kite, Alexander Dugger, and David Shuffield. They were all together when the rebels discovered them, they being o­n o­ne side of the Watauga River and the rebels o­n the other. When the first observed these men, they at o­nce dashed across the river o­n their horses and surrounded them o­n a small ridge. Some of these men had arms, which, however, were nothing more than a pistol or a knife, which so enraged the rebel demons that they rushed forward like blood-thirsty tigers, and butchered these poor men in cold blood, without pity and without mercy. And if these black-hearted scoundrels had ever been unchained devils from the infernal regions, they could not have imbrued their hands in the blood of their innocent victims with more cool determination than they did upon this occasion.

When the rebels first fired, poor Taylor surrendered; they continued to shoot at him, while he begged them to treat as a prisoner, but instead of this, o­ne of these incarnate devils ran up and soon silenced in, by shooting the top of his head off with a musket. Two of them then caught him by his feet, and pitched him violently over a large rock down a steep declivity, which bruised his body and broke his limbs in a most shocking manner; and, not yet content with this display of barbarity, they then threw great rocks upon him. They then took from his mangled person a very fine watch and a considerable sum of money. Tatum was killed nearly at the same time that Taylor was, he being first wounded in the shoulder, and then dispatched with great cruelty. The other three men ran some distance, while the rebels were shooting at them as fast as they could; at length they surrendered, and commenced imploring for mercy; but they might as well have asked for mercy from a gang of blood-thirsty tigers as to take it at the hands of these devils in human shape, for they were entirely heedless of their piteous cries and lamentations. In vain these poor supplicating prisoners told their reckless and infuriate[d] captors that they had done nothing deserving death, and were o­nly trying to keep out of the Southern army. All their asservations could not save them from the dreadful doom th which their inflexible tormentors at o­nce proceeded to assign them. Their hands were tied behind them, and they were taken to a bending sapling and hung. Some of the rebel soldiers took the ropes which they carried with them for the purpose of carrying forage o­n their horses, and tied them around the necks of their victims, while others would hold them up until the rope was tied to a limb, and them let them go. In this way all three of these poor men were hung up to torture, and suffer a thousand pangs of death; for they were hung so as not to break their necks, but rather to be choked by degrees, which was the refined and cruel mode of punishment which was resorted to by these inhuman murderers. Two of the poor fellow, before they were hung, begged hard for a time to pray; but even this privilege was not allowed them. The other o­ne had been severely wounded in the beginning of the bloody affray, and was not able to talk. While they were suspended by their necks, and before life was extinct, they were treated with the greatest brutality, by their reckless murderers beating them with their guns. Captain Roby Brown, a citizen of Johnson County, Tennessee, and o­ne of the home guard in that county, enjoyed himself very much at this miserable feast of blood. He had a complete frolic around them while they were struggling in all the agonies of a terrible death. He knocked them with his gun, and would then dance upon them, and turn them around violently, telling them to "fact their partner." He would say to them that "he did not like to dance with any person that would not face him;" while they, with their tongues as black as ink protruding out of their mouths, and their eyes bursting from their sockets, exhibited a spectacle of horror which was enough to strike terror to the very soul of any person who was not perfectly hardened in villainy and crime, and callous to the most wretched displays of human suffering, and steeped in the deepest depths of infamy. But I can not presume to say that this most desperate and incorrigible scoundrel, Roby Brown, was in the possession of a human heart; if he was, it was entirely impervious to human feeling and to human sympathy, and was as cold and hard as the glacier rock of Mount Jura's bleakest hill-top. He may rest assured that he will receive a just recompense of reward for his terrible crimes, both in this world and in the world to come, for an avenging Nemesis will pursue him with her terrible whip of scorpions around the whole orb of his earthly existence; and when the Dim Unknown shall unlock the casket which confines his guilty soul in its tenement of clay, and hurries it to appear before the great Omnipotent in all its naked deformity, there he will receive that just retribution which in iniquitous and wicked life richly deserves, in the "everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels."

The rebel soldiers remained where they hung these poor men until they thought they were quite dead, and then left the place. Some kind citizens, who had been watching the conduct of the rebels not far off, immediately hurried down to the place where they were hanging and cut them down, hoping to find that the spark of life had not fled from all of them; but they were all perfectly dead, and presented a sight too shocking to behold. Some of their ribs were broken, and their bodies were badly bruised, where the rebels had stuck them with their guns. They were not taken up, and were taken a short distance from where they were hung, and buried quite secretly and in a very rough manner, as the Union citizens were afraid to make any noise or display when they were committing them to their last resting-place. Taylor was a gentleman. He had been a recruiting-officer in the Federal army, and was captured by the rebels and put in prison. He had escaped from the prison...and had come into Carter County, o­n his way back to his command, and was waiting when he was captured....The other men who were killed were nice young men, belonging to our own mountains, and would have made good soldiers in the Federal army.

The massacre which I have detailed in the forgoing pages occurred o­n the 23d day of January, 1863.

Daniel Ellis, Thrilling Adventures of Daniel Ellis, The Great Union Guide of East Tennessee for a period of Nearly Four Years During the Great Southern Rebellion. Written by Himself. Containing a Short Biography of the Author, Will Illustrations; (NY: Harper & Brothers, 1867; rpt, Johnson City, TN; The Overmountain Press, 1987), pp. 107-110.

[Life was cheap & death was free.]


23-27 Scout from Cumberland Gap

JANUARY 23-27, 1865.-- 

Brig.-Gen. TILLSON, Scout from Cumberland Gap, Tenn.
Reports of Lieut. Col. William C. Barlett, Second North Carolina Mounted Infantry.

CUMBERLAND GAP, January 28, 1865.

GEN.: On Monday last I sent out a scout under Lieut. J. N. Jennings, of Second North Carolina Mounted Infantry, which returned yesterday, having killed 12 rebel guerrillas, wounded a number, and captured 10, besides having captured from the rebels 40 horses, some of them saddled.

W. C. BARLETT, Lieut.-Col., Cmdg.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 49, pt. I, p. 9